THE BIRTH. At the beginning there was zero: zero of material, zero of energy, zero of time, zero of temperature and space, not nothing, but something different of what today is the Universe. Then something happened, I can’t say what, but zero was exceeded, and the Universe was born, the content of which is the necessary quantity, not a little bit more or less, to overcome the zero. The Universe was originally cold, not hot.
The Universe in the first moment of life was punctiform: it had to pass through the eye of a needle to be born. To do this it could not be matter and antimatter at the same time, because they annihilate and, in these conditions, it could not take on the necessary dimension for its birth. To be born, it “decided” to be matter, not even antimatter.
GROWTH. Formed the particles of matter, there was the Big Bang, which is not an explosion, but the instantaneous generation of space, due to the interactions between the particles of matter, at the origin of the background radiation and the vertical rise in temperature.
STRUCTURE. The fundamental unit of the Universe is an elementary movement that generates space, its only dimension. Time and temperature are respectively macro (the movement of the Earth around the Sun) and micro (movement of the molecules) measurements of the Universe, therefore, of the elementary movement of which it is composed. Time changes because elementary movement changes. If temperature measures the same object that measures the time, when time is changed, temperature is also changed. The gravitational wave that slows down time also decreases the temperature: paradoxically it cools the universe, despite the huge amount of energy that generated it. Therefore I would not speak of space-time dimension, but of space-movement, or better movement-space dimension.
The matter, whose formation was necessary for the birth of the Universe, no longer necessary, began to disintegrate, generating more space in a vicious circle now accelerating, increasing entropy.
FORCES. The elementary movement, that is the structure of the Universe, interacts with matter, changing space. The flow of elementary movement to and from matter generates all forces.
The flow to the planet generates the force of gravity, causing the curvature of the light trajectory and the redshift.
The flow to the subatomic particles generates strong and weak nuclear force.
The prevailing direction of flow determines the electric charge. Movement of electric particles generates electromagnetic force.
THE END. The universe will not grow indefinitely. Once all the matter has broken up in the elementary structure, the expansion will stop. The expansion of the Universe is his way to grow old, like having white hair for us. Once the expansion is over, the universe, as we know it, is dead.