THE CULTURAL EVOLUTION. The movement that characterizes our Universe and is its structural and conceptual unit, cannot be extraneous to its content. In fact, everything moves in the Universe: galaxies, stars, planets, inorganic and organic matter, multicellular beings. So also human. The movement of the human being is cultural evolution. We come from biological evolution, like all living beings, which has further moved, and now is cultural. Cultural, but still evolution, with all the characteristics of evolution: variation, natural selection and species, cultural species, non-biological.
There is no biological impossibility to have children among people of different cultural species, but the cultural impossibility, that is, the will to have children only with people of the same culture. War between nations, and daily conflict, are expressions of cultural evolution, with natural selection of the culturally strongest species.
PERSONALITY. Personality is one and only for better understanding can be divided into three character traits: sociality, sexuality and language.
Each character traits is formed during sensitive phases of childhood, by specific cultural environmental stimuli that cause the formation of nervous circuits in specific areas of the brain: the frontal lobe for sociality, the temporal lobe for sexuality, the area of Broca and Wernicke for language. There are no multiple personalities.
Evolution also means variation, which reaches extreme degrees when evolution is powerful in its growth, to get to the opposite of character traits. Autism is the opposite of sociality, transsexuality is the opposite of genetic sexuality, stuttering is the opposite of language.
Autism, sexual orientation and stuttering appear not as diseases, but expressions of cultural evolution. Stuttering is a linguistic accent that is learned during childhood, a way of expressing oneself, not a disorder.
Who is deaf before learning to speak, hardly stutter, because without hearing, will not be able to understand stuttering.
THE CULTURAL FERMENTS. The cultural ferment is a new, different and, in general, minority behavior which, if transmissible to children, can give rise to a new culture. Cultural ferment is sometimes interpreted as neurosis.
A woman who washes her hands a hundred times a day for a psychiatrist is suffering rupophobia from the Greek rupo which means filth. If she lives in the countryside and has to take care of the cattle, everybody think she is crazy, nobody will marry her and her cultural ferment will die with her. But if she lives in the city and works in a laboratory where maximum hygiene is required, she will be appreciated, she will find a husband and her culture, based on maximum hygiene, will be able to pass on to her children.
The generational change gives the dignity of a culture to cultural ferments.